Tag: Art

Fun Art – AM

Today summer learning task was to create create characters using nature and then to use Google draw to create the background and insert the animals onto using the google draw tools to complete the characters,  I decided to keep with my sea theme and make a crab a puffer a fish and a turtle to insert onto the Google draw.  I hope you like my finished picture.  I really like doing these kind of art things as it brings nature to live in a different way.  I also used my brother’s turtle rock that he made for the garden.


The Rainbow Fish – Kick Start

The Rainbow Fish Kick Start was to go around your house and find anything  you could use to make a collage.  I was not able to find any recycling things as we had a huge clear out last week so had none however I did manage to make this with my brothers playdoh and glass stones (my brother dose not like his playdoh colours mixed so I had to be very careful).

This is my rainbow fish

Anemone is not the Enemy: Step It Up

For today’s Step it up activity I had to draw a Anemone.  Here is my drawing and under is some facts I know about an Anemone due to learning about sea creatures at school.

  • Anemone’s uses there tentacles to sting whatever touches,  it sting paralyses the creature.
  • An Anemone Is part of the jellyfish family.
  • Only clownfish are safe from their Sting so and an Anemone makes the perfect home for a clownfish as no Predator can get to them.

Notan Art – Step it up

Here is my Notan Step it activity.  The step up was to create a Notan art with a theme, i chose a butterfly as it is the first thing I saw when I looked out the window this afternoon.  I what looks like shards of glass, circles and diamonds,  along with some other lines in shapes that I have created.   I really enjoyed this task  and love how my butterfly came out,  I hope you like it too.


Notan Art – Kick Start

Today I learnt what Notan Art is and got to create my own Notan Art.  Notan art is a Japanese art form that means light and dark harmony/balance.    It is created by forming a shape in black outside a black box and mirroring it onto the black box in white.  I found it really fun to do and I plan to make some more later but this is what i created for my Kick start task.


Summer Holiday 101 – kick start

Today’s kick start activity was to think of somewhere holiday you would like to go on a summer holiday and write a list of things you need to take where you wanted to go why are you wanted to go there and put all the information onto Google draw.

I decided to pick a holiday to Australia to swim with green sea turtles this is my Google draw.   I have also added some sea turtle facts at the bottom as green sea turtles are endangered reptiles.

Here is Fun fact about green sea turtles before you read my Google draw.

FACT: Did you know Green Sea Turtles are special among sea turtles because they are herbivores, eating mostly seagrasses and algae.



Green Sea Turtles are an endangered reptile with around 85,000 to 90,000 in the world.  They weighing around 65-130kg and are 1-1.2m long.  They get their name because of the unusual green layer of fat under their shell. Scientist believe this is due to their diet of plants only. 

They can travel up to  recorded distance of 2,600 km for mating and nesting.  They can be found nesting along the more than 80 countries around the world  and lay up to 150 eggs at a time.    Adult green turtles breed by the beaches where they were born. After about two months, the babies will use a special “egg tooth” to break their shells and hatch from their eggs. But when they do, they must immediately make it across the sand to the water, avoiding predators .

Green Sea turtles spend most of their lives underwater, where they can rest for up to five hours at a time before coming up to breathe however when feeding or swimming they pop up to the surface every three to five minutes for a few seconds then dive back down into the water.  They swim around normally at 3 km but if they become threatened they can reach up to 35km/h.

Green Sea turtles are Suffering Extinction due to hunting, over harvesting of their eggs, loss of nesting beaches, Predators eating the eggs or Turtles after they’ve hatched and also fishing is  causing danger with thousands of sea turtles accidentally caught in net every year.


Comic Quest – Step it Up

For the Comic Quest Step it up task I made a comic using the Superhero and  Villain I created in the Superhero task from the day before.  The page of the comic that I have decided to do is one of the first pages where Shu Lan Qigual finds out what damage The Unknown can do.

I hope you like my comic and don’t forget to read all about my  Characters in my Superhero – kick start and step it up blogs.


Silhoutte Art – Kick Start

Here is today’s Summer Learning Journey Kick Start task,  I used a picture of me fishing to turn into a silhouette and I also used a background of the beach I took on my mum’s phone from months back.

I created this picture by using a background removed and editing the contrast and colour of the picture of me fishing so that it was dark and looked like a silhoutte.  I then inserted the background picture off the beach that I emailed from my mum’s phone.  I can’t remember what beach it was taken at as it was a long time ago and there is to many pictures of the beach and things on my mum’s phone, and this was not one of out normal beaches.  I moved myself to the side a little so you could still see the sun behind me.

Here is how it turned out.