Day: December 31, 2023

R.E.S.P.E.C.T – Kick Start

I made my Ta’ovala design by using shapes based of a circle.  I did a circle and added colours to it like a peacock but with different colours as my little brother loves peacocks.  I then decided to add blue arch around it to make it look more interesting.  I chose blue as the background as it is my favourite colour.


Shadow Art – Kick Start

Today’s Summer Learning Journey Task was to draw the shadow of something in nature.  I ran around the garden to fond an area that had a shadow and drew this plant shadow.  I then coloured it in using water colours for the back ground and markers for the plant to make it stand out.  I hope you like it.  I did not really like how the plant changed when I was drawing the shadow as it no longer looked like a plant but after I added colour back in it looked a lot batter.


Under The Sea Robot – step It Up

Is my under the sea robot Summer Learning journey task.  I hope to see something like it in the future that can help save the coral in the ocean as the coral provides homes, protection and food for sea life.

The grey hand plants ocean plants to give the fish somewhere to hide, live and protection.  The top of the robot collects water samples to be tested in the lab later.  The yellow hand cleans the coral that is dying to try protect it and also allows the fish to eat what it rubs off.

Under The Sea – Kick Start

Here is my sea life creation,  I chose my  Favourite sea creatures. 

I would love to go swimming with turtles. Sea turtles have been around since the age of the dinosaurs and haven’t changed at all in over 110 million years

I would like to see puffer fish.  Sharks are the only animal that can eat puffer fish and not get killed by it as puffer fish are highly  Poisonous.